Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

These resources are for a variety of roles in our field. We welcome your additions to these resources. The first resource is a table of all of the citations for the reflection question prompts.

(re)imaginator sources
This is the list of sources for the reflection question prompts used in the (re)imaginator. Please go to the "contribute" tab to share your ideas for questions to add.
Health Justice Guide
From the Learning Change Network. This is a curated guide for people that are interested in Health Justice. You can either choose to start your journey as a “New Health Activist” or you can continue your journey as a “Current Health Activist”. You will find dozens of materials on Health Justice by browsing the whole site and you will have options to refine the results by clicking on ‘Refine by Region’, ‘Refine by Format’ etc.
Business Model Sustainability Toolkit
From the Principles for Digital Development. Guidance, tools, and case studies to help digital product/service owners and advisors in the aid sector design sustainable business models.
Assessing gender and health within your workplace
From Global Health 50/50. These reports provide an in-depth review of the gender- and equality-related policies and practices of hundreds of organisations active in health and health policy. Our Self-Assessment aims to support organisations in assessing their performance on gender equality and diversity and learning from our report findings.
Resources for tackling power and privilege in the workplace
From Global 50/50. The following resources offer information and guidance for organisations on implementing workplace measures to address power inequitites
Evaluate fit and feasibility of programs or practices
From the National Implementation Resource Network. The Hexagon Discussion and Analysis Tool helps organizations evaluate the fit & feasibility of implementing programs in a given context. This tool is designed to be used by a team to facilitate discussion & ensure diverse perspectives are represented across six contextual fit and feasibility indicators.
The Data Ethics Canvas
From the Open Data Institute. Use the Data Ethics Canvas to help you identify and manage ethical issues in your data project
Designers Critical Alphabet
The Designer’s Critical Alphabet (DCA) helps design students and professional designers create work that serves more people, especially people commonly pushed to the side by dominant power structures. The humble DCA is a stack of 26 colorful cards. But each card introduces a critical theory that identifies power structures, how power circulates, and how those with power maintain it.
Toward Meaningful Cultural Adaptation Across Implementation Stages
Research paper from Poku et.al. Lessons learned on how each stage of the implementation process benefited from cultural adaptation—including incorporating interexchange of knowledge during formative work and prioritizing the concerns of local collaborators to inform intervention sustainment and scale-up.
Funders: The missing link in equitable global health research?
Research Article from Charani E et al (2022). The role of funders and donors in achieving greater equity in global health research needs to be clearly defined. Imbalances of power and resources... is such that many funding approaches do not centre the role of LMIC researchers in shaping global health research priorities and agenda.
Programming Benchmarks
From PATH. PATH uses this self-assessment tool to measure programmatic coverage.
Responsible innovation in health: a policy-oriented framework
Research paper from Siliva et al (2018). Though this scholarship offers a new lens to consider the challenges new health technologies raise for health systems around the world, there is a need to define the dimensions that specifically characterise responsible innovation in health (RIH).
A Trust Building Check (Yourself) List for Funders
Article from Strode and Morris (2021). Funding relationships requires trust. It also takes time, resources, and a willingness to shift power to the people closest to the problem.
Creative Reaction Lab
Creative Reaction Lab is building a youth-led, community-centered movement of a new type of Civic Leader: Redesigners for Justice. Their Redesigners in Action Webinar series was born amid a national reckoning in which systems were tasked to redesign for equitable outcomes during a global pandemic.
Do I need AI?
AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is a cutting-edge technology that empowers machines to imitate human intelligence and behavior. There's a lot of hype surrounding AI, and business are scrambling to adopt it - but does your specific use case actually need AI, or is traditional software enough?
Writing a Praxis Narrative
From Lisa Grocott's "Design for Transformative Learning" a group writing exercise for "sensing, interpreting and translating the complex lifeworld of practice. The narrative can be used for gathering, analyzing or communicating the transgressive data of creative practice"
From ToolboxToolbox: A curated list of the best business, design, and organisational change toolboxes built by some of the most influential companies, institutions and thinkers.
Racial Equity Tools
Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. It offers tools, research, tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their understanding and to help those working for racial justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.
Inclusive Design Toolkit
From Microsoft. Inclusive Design is a methodology, born out of digital environments, that enables and draws on the full range of human diversity. Most importantly, this means including and learning from people with a range of perspectives.
Liberatory Design
Liberatory Design is a creative problem-solving approach and practice that centers equity and supports us to design for liberation. It is made up of mindsets and modes. Mindsets invoke stances and values to ground and focus our design practice, and modes provide process guidance for our design practice.
Building Utopia Toolkit
Speculative design provides the opportunity for a creative reimagining of worlds, allowing us to see what is possible for more equitable and radical futures. While Afro-diasporic communities have engaged in futuring and ingenuity throughout history, they have also rarely been seen in the process of design or visions of the future.
Rethinking Comms
Common words/phrases (grouped by theme) that are often used within philanthropy communication. See how these words and phrases might ‘harm’ or ‘heal’ in a particular context. Note: this tool is designed to provoke thought, not police thought. So please navigate with this in mind.
Decolonial by Design: online course
An expansive 'anti-racism' programme for experienced brand, marketing and comms professionals who want to create with intention, shape new worlds, and lead with authenticity.
Subjectivity, reflexivity, and reflexive journals for Researchers
Compiled by famous qualitative researchers Braun and Clarke, this site lists specific resources for researchers to engage with reflexivity among many other qualitative analysis resources
If you had to read one book on global health...
From Dr. Madhu Pai - Four years ago, I posed a question on Twitter: "If there is 1 book that you would like all global health students to read, it would be.....?" The question elicited a large number of responses and re-tweets. Here is the compilation of over 375 books recommended by a variety of people.
Inspiring Global Health Films
From Dr. Madhu Pai - Here is the compilation of over 100 films (as of March 2024) recommended by a variety of people. I have provided a hyperlink to a website with more details on each movie. The list is alphabetically organized using the movie title.
A Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships
The TRUST Code A Global Code of Conduct for Equitable Research Partnerships
Reimagining Global Health Reading list
Readings from Dr. Madhu Pai's reimagining global health summer institute at McGill
Reimagining Global Health Course Readings
his interactive course aims to give students the opportunity to broaden their understanding and knowledge of global health issues, including core topics such as the colonial history of global health, power asymmetries in global health, privilege, racism & allyship, global health governance, social determinants of health, and health inequities.